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istockphoto / Anna Gorbacheva

It’s the thrill of the search. You scan racks, high and low, sifting through piles of clothes, mostly junk, trying to find it, that one perfect sweater, handbag, or pair of shoes. And then you come across it … and it’s one-tenth its original price. This thrilling search and discovery is a key part of the reason people shop secondhand.

When Vinted was founded in 2008, the Lithuanian startup aimed at creating an online platform that would support such thrills and circulate resale clothing. The company has attained remarkable success, especially in the United Kingdom, where it surpassed 2.5 million users in 2023 and experienced 75 percent year-on-year growth. As a result, Vinted has positioned itself among more familiar major resale platforms, such as Poshmark, Mecari, eBay, Depop, and Gumtree, and made its case to be a leading platform in the market.

Some of this success can be attributed to the seemingly unending series of economic challenges that have buffeted consumers in the past two decades. But the company also owes quite a bit of its success to increased environmental awareness among consumers and marketing campaigns designed to promote secondhand retail as a way to reduce the waste associated with fast fashion. Noting such trends, Vinted has actively positioned itself to capitalize on this increased interest, such that it works to draw in new customers with a simple platform and global reach. At the same time, Vinted strategically focuses on attracting plenty of sellers, such as by offering zero fees to list items on its site. In this way, selling items on this platform is far more appealing than paying to post selections on competing resale sites.

Meanwhile, consumers continue to demonstrate their persistent interest in secondhand fashion. For many people, fashion is not an either–or choice; they embrace the purchase of both resale items and new clothing. This approach reduces waste and prioritizes affordability, while also allowing consumers to stay up to date on the latest trends.

For the future, Vinted’s continued success likely will depend on its ability to continue to develop technologies that support appealing, enjoyable user experiences. For example, its rollout of its mobile app was a much lauded success. Customers explicitly noted how the platform simplified both the listing and the buying process. Likewise, the company has implemented enhanced search algorithms and personalized data analytics, to offer more personalized recommendations to consumers and aid their search for just the right vintage or resale items. On the basis of these ongoing successes, Vinted appears poised to play a crucial role in continuing to encourage and establish a more sustainable retail ecosystem in the long-term, as long as it also can continue to grow and innovate to meet consumer demand.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you shopped on any secondhand clothing platforms? Why or why not?
  2. List some benefits of shopping in resale markets, as well as the drawbacks, for consumers, retailers, and society in general.

Sources: Kate Hardcastle, “Vinted’s Secret Formula: Thriving in the U.K.’s Second-Hand Market,” Forbes, July 7, 2024; Jervis Gonzales, “How Does Vinted Make Money in 2024? A Comprehensive Guide,” The Stock Dork, November 23, 2023; Rachel Lawler, “How Vinted Is Transforming the Second-Hand Market,” Just Style, June 19, 2024; OpenAI ChatGPT, “Assistance with Research on Vinted’s Success in the UK Recommerce Market,” ChatGPT, August 8, 2024.