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istockphoto / MarkHatfield

Now, more than ever before, consumers are aware of the power they hold, and they want brands to walk the inclusivity talk. Starbucks appears to be listening, with plans to reduce noise levels and improve accessibility across all new U.S. locations, as well as approximately 1,000 renovated stores.

This industry behemoth is shaking up the coffee shop experience with plans to dial down the din and ramp up accessibility by installing acoustic dampening baffles or foams, which work by absorbing sound, in the ceilings of selected stores. Customers with hearing difficulties stand to benefit the most from this accessibility measure that minimizes both noise and reverberations, enabling those with assisted hearing devices to communicate more seamlessly and easily. Starbucks’ commitment to enhancing accessibility both reflects and highlights the importance of inclusivity in retailing; it represents a truly customer-centric approach that goes beyond mere product offerings.

Starbucks’ purposeful consideration of employee well-being also is central to the goals of this initiative, aligning with the company’s growing emphasis on employee satisfaction and retention. But in addition to enhancing employee satisfaction, by creating a quieter, more comfortable working environment, the acoustic dampening designs promise to help optimize efficient workflows, by removing some of the obstacles presented by a loud environment.

That Starbucks is choosing this new direction when it has more than double the market share of its closest competitor is a clear indication of its savvy recognition of the need to keep evolving and innovating to stay on top. Furthermore, it aligns with the company’s continuing commitment to ensuring that Starbucks provides a third place (not home or work) and as warm and welcoming an experience as possible for consumers—historically, a cornerstone of its strategy. Inclusivity, accessibility, and employee satisfaction are the major factors driving Starbucks’ focus on enhancing the place and people aspects of its retail empire to further increase brand loyalty and growth.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Does this Starbucks initiative exemplify the principles of effective retail management? Why or why not?
  2. Do you see this initiative bearing fruit for Starbucks? Why or why not?
  3. Imagine you were another big coffee shop retailer. Would you be worried about this initiative giving Starbucks a further competitive retailing edge? Why or why not?

Sources: Dennis Limmer, “Is Starbucks’ Focus on Store Ambiance a Sign of Future Trends?” RetailWire, April 18, 2024, https://retailwire.com/discussion/is-starbucks-focus-on-store-ambiance-a-sign-of-future-trends/; Sonia Thompson, “5 Consumer Expectations for Brands Engaging in Inclusive Marketing in 2023,” Forbes, January 21, 2023, https://www.forbes.com/sites/soniathompson/2023/01/21/5-consumer-expectations-for-brands-engaging-in-inclusive-marketing-in-2023/?sh=76846961580f); Statista Research Department, “Sales of Selected Leading Coffee Shop Chains in the United States in 2022,” November 2, 2023, https://www.statista.com/statistics/919774/sales-of-selected-leading-coffee-house-and-cafe-chains-in-the-us/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20the%20leading%20coffee,at%2011.2%20billion%20U.S.%20dollars; Team TBH, “It’s Not Just a Coffee, It’s Starbucks!,” The Brand Hopper, 2020. https://thebrandhopper.com/2020/04/24/its-not-just-coffee-its-starbucks/?amp=1); Digiday Staff, “Why Starbucks is Experimenting With Experience-Based Retail,” Digiday, December 17, 2018, https://digiday.com/marketing/starbucks-experimenting-experience-based-retail/